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Table WSB_DCATableFolderStructure

Stores the configurations for a table-specific folder structure.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Table-Specific Folder Structure
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[30] FolderStructureCode The code of the main folder structure that this table-specific folder structure is linked to.
2 Integer TableNo The ID of the table that this table-specific folder structure applies to.
3 Text[80] TableCaption The caption of the table that this table-specific folder structure applies to.
4 Integer EntryNo An entry no. for this table-specific folder structure applies to (if there are multiple with different tables).
10 Blob TableFilterView A BLOB which saves the table filter view for this table-specific folder structure.
20 Boolean Enabled Specifies whether this table-specific folder structure is enabled and should be used.
30 Text[200] Description An optional description that can be used to describe in more detail what this table-specific folder structure is used for.