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Table WSB_DCARemoteFileLink

Stores information about record links between any record and DCA File V2 records.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Document Archive Remote File Link
DataClassification EndUserIdentifiableInformation
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_DCARemoteFileLinks
LookupPageId WSB_DCARemoteFileLinks


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer ParentTableId
2 Guid ParentSystemId
3 Integer LineNo
4 BigInteger RemoteFileEntryNo
5 Text[50] CreatedBy
6 DateTime CreatedDateTime
30 Code[20] CategoryCode
50 Text[255] FileName
51 Text[10] FileExt
52 DateTime FileCreatedDateTime
60 Text[100] MessageFrom
61 DateTime MessageDateTime
71 Enum WSB_DCAPDFArchiveScenario PDFArchiveScenario
80 BigInteger RemoteFileCopyOfEntryNo