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Table WSB_DCACategory

Stores the Document Archive file categories that are available.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Document Archive Category
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_DCACategories
LookupPageId WSB_DCACategoryLookup


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[20] Code The code of the file category.
2 Text[50] Description A description of the file category.
20 Integer FileCount Number of files in the file category.
21 Integer FileCountV2
30 Integer TableNoFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Table No. field.
31 Integer SourceTypeFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source Type field.
32 Code[20] SourceNoFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source No. field.
33 Code[20] SourceSubNoFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source Sub No. field.
34 Integer SourceLineNoFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source Line No. field.
40 Integer SourceNoOccurrenceFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source No. Occurrence field.
41 Integer SourceVersionNoFilter A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source Version No. field.
42 Integer ParentTableIdFilter Specifies whether the category can only be selected for specific entity definitions. A field which can be used to set a link for the category factbox on the Source Version No. field.
43 Guid ParentSystemIdFilter
50 Boolean EntitySpecific