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Codeunit WSB_DCATransferFileMgt


This codeunit will be replaced by WSB_DCATransferFileMgtV2 in a future update (or when DCASetup FileStructureV2Enabled is set)

Exposes procedures for transferring files from one record to another (N.B. without making actual copies).


Name Value
Access Public
ObsoleteReason This codeunit will be replaced by WSB_DCATransferFileMgtV2 in a future update (or when DCASetup FileStructureV2Enabled is set)
ObsoleteState Pending
ObsoleteTag 1.58.0



Edit the source or target filters for a transfer file settings record.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DCATransferFileSettings" vRecWSB_DCATransferFileSettings The entity definition
Option pType The type of filter (source or target).


Type Description
Boolean true iff the filters were edited successfully.


Gets the targets that are allowed for a source.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileSource" pSource The source.
List vAllowedTargets The allowed targets in a list.


Gets the transfer file settings' filters as a readable text.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DCATransferFileSettings" vRecWSB_DCATransferFileSettings The transfer file settings record.
Option pType The type of filter (source or target).


Type Description
Text The filters as a readable text.


Gets the transfer file settings record's filter view.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DCATransferFileSettings" vRecWSB_DCATransferFileSettings The transfer file settings record.
Option pType The type of filter (source or target).


Type Description
Text The filter view.


Opens the "Transfer Target Lookup" page to select transfer targets for a transfer source. If the user clicks on "OK" to close the page, the selected transfer targets will be returned.


Type Name Description
Boolean pAllowMultiselect Whether to allow multi-select.
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileSource" pSource The source to select targets for.
Record "WSB_DCATransferTargetLookup" temporary vRecTempWSB_DCATransferTargetLookup The selected transfer target(s).


Type Description
Boolean true iff the user entity definition(s) and pressed "OK".


Removes all files that were earlier transferred from one record to another record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The record where the Document Archive Files were copied from.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The record where the Document Archive Files were copied to, and from which they will be unlinked.


Type Description
Boolean true iff successfully unlinked/removed the transferred files.


Set the filter view for a transfer file settings record.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DCATransferFileSettings" vRecWSB_DCATransferFileSettings The transfer file settings record.
Option pType The type of filter (source or target).
Text pNewTableViewAsText The table filter view as text


Type Description
Boolean true iff applying the view was successful.


Transfers all Document Archive files attached to one record to another record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The record to copy the Document Archive Files from.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The record to copy the Document Archive Files to.


Type Description
Boolean true iff successfully transferred the files.


Transfers all Document Archive files attached to one record to another record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The record to copy the Document Archive Files from.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The record to copy the Document Archive Files to.
Boolean pFollowTransferSettings Whether to follow the Transfer File Settings.


Type Description
Boolean true iff successfully transferred the files.


Allows to hook into getting the targets that are allowed for a source.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileSource" pSource The source.
List vAllowedTargets The allowed targets for the source.


Allows to hook into getting the source record to possibly transfer Document Archive files from.


Type Name Description
Record "Prod. Order Line" pRecProdOrderLine The production order header record.
Variant vSourceRecordVariant The source record for the production order line.
Boolean vSuccess Set this to true if your extension successfully found a source record with Document Archive files to transfer files from.


Allows to hook into getting the source record to possibly transfer Document Archive files from.


Type Name Description
Record "Production BOM Line" pRecProductionBOMLine The production BOM line record.
Variant vSourceRecordVariant The source record for the production BOM line.
Boolean vSuccess Set this to true if your extension successfully found a source record with Document Archive files to transfer files from.


Allows to hook into getting the source record to possibly transfer Document Archive files from.


Type Name Description
Record "Production Order" pRecProductionOrder The production order header record.
Variant vSourceRecordVariant The source record for the production order header.
Boolean vSuccess Set this to true if your extension successfully found a source record with Document Archive files to transfer files from.


Allows to hook into getting the source record to possibly transfer Document Archive files from.


Type Name Description
Record "Purchase Line" pRecPurchLine The purchase line record.
Variant vSourceRecordVariant The source record for the purchase line.
Boolean vSuccess Set this to true if your extension successfully found a source record with Document Archive files to transfer files from.


Allows to hook into getting the source record to possibly transfer Document Archive files from.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Line" pRecSalesLine The sales line record.
Variant vSourceRecordVariant The source record for the sales line.
Boolean vSuccess Set this to true if your extension successfully found a source record with Document Archive files to transfer files from.


Allows to hook into getting the transfer file source for a table ID.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableNo The ID of the table to get the transfer file source for.
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileSource" vTransferFileSource The transfer file source.
Boolean vFound Set this to true if your extension found a transfer file source type for the table with this ID.


Allows to hook into getting the table ID for a transfer file source.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileSource" pTransferFileSource The transfer file source (enum).
Integer vTableNo The corresponding table ID.


Allows to hook into getting the transfer file target for a table ID.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableNo The ID of the table to get the transfer file target for.
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileTarget" vTransferFileTarget The transfer file target.
Boolean vFound Set this to true if your extension found a transfer file target type for the table with this ID.


Allows to hook into getting the table ID for a transfer file target.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_DCATransferFileTarget" pTransferFileTarget The transfer file target (enum).
Integer vTableNo The corresponding table ID.


Allows to hook into the moment right after files are transferred from a source to target record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The source record.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The target record.
Boolean pFollowTransferSettings Whether to follow the transfer settings configuration.
Boolean vSuccess Whether transferring files was performed successfully.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handles transferring files for this record-type combination.


Allows to hook into removing linked transferred files from a record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The source record.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The target record.
Boolean vSuccess Whether the files were removed successfully.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handles removing the linked transferred files for this record-type combination.


Allows to hook into the moment right before files are transferred from a source to target record.


Type Name Description
Variant pSourceRecRelatedVariant The source record.
Variant pTargetRecRelatedVariant The target record.
Boolean pFollowSetup Whether to follow the transfer settings configuration.
Boolean vSuccess Whether transferring files was performed successfully.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handles transferring files for this record-type combination.