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Table WSB_DCAFolderPathStructure

A folder path structure entry which combined make up the complete remote folder path.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Folder Path Structure Entry
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[30] FolderStructureCode The code of the (main) folder structure that this folder path structure entry is linked to.
2 Enum WSB_DCAFolderPathStructureType FolderPathStructureType The type of folder path structure entry (Root, Default, Table).
3 Integer TableNo The ID of the table that this entry applies to specifically, if any.
4 Integer TableEntryNo The entry no. of the table-specific folder structure that this entry belongs to, if any.
5 Integer EntryNo An entry no. for this folder path structure entry.
10 Enum WSB_DCAFolderPathEntryType EntryType An entry type for this folder path structure entry, which specifies which type of data this entry should contribute to the path.
20 Boolean NewSubfolder Specifies whether this entry starts/appends a new subfolder.
21 Text[100] Prefix A prefix that is pasted before this entry's text value.
22 Text[250] FixedText A fixed text that is used as this entry's text value if the entry type = Fixed Text.
23 Text[100] Suffix A suffix that is pasted after this entry's text value.
30 Integer FieldNo The no. of the table field that should be used for field-related entry types.
31 Text[250] FieldCaption The caption of the table field that should be used for field-related entry types.