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Table WSB_DCARemoteFile

Stores information about the files which are stored at remote file locations (e.g. a SharePoint drive).


Name Value
Access public
Caption Document Archive Remote File
DataClassification EndUserIdentifiableInformation
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_DCARemoteFiles
LookupPageId WSB_DCARemoteFiles


ID Type Name Description
1 BigInteger EntryNo The unique entry no. of the record.
10 Integer ParentTableId The Table ID of the parent table record that the file record was originally linked to.
11 Guid ParentSystemId The record System ID of the parent table record that the file record was originally linked to.
12 Text[255] FileName The file name as shown in Business Central for this file record.
13 Text[10] FileExt The file extension of the file of this file record.
14 DateTime FileCreatedDateTime The date and time at which the file was originally created.
15 Text[100] MessageFrom If the file is an .msg file uploaded via drag and drop, then this field contains who the email message was from.
16 DateTime MessageDateTime If the file is an .msg file uploaded via drag and drop, then this field contains the date and time of the email message.
17 Code[20] CategoryCode Specifies where the file record originates from. The code of the Document Archive file category that the file record belongs to.
18 Enum WSB_DCAFileSourceType FileSourceType
19 Enum WSB_DCAPDFArchiveScenario PDFArchiveScenario If applicable, specifies the PDF archive scenario through which the file record was created.
20 Text[128] EnvironmentName Specifies the name of the Business Central environment in which the file record was originally created.
21 Text[30] CompanyName Specifies the name of the Business Central company in which the file record was originally created.
30 Enum WSB_DCAFileHandler FileHandler Specifies the name of the file handler used to store the file remotely.
31 Text[2048] RemoteFilePath The full file path of the remote file on the remote storage.
32 Code[20] NoSeries The code of the No. Series used to give the file a No.
33 Code[20] No The No. assigned to the file record.
35 Enum WSB_DCARemoteFolderStructure RemoteFolderStructure Specifies the built-in remote folder structure used for this file.
36 Enum WSB_DCARemoteFolderOrder RemoteFolderOrder Specifies the built-in remote folder order used for this file.
37 Code[30] RemoteFolderStructureCode Specifies the code of the folder structure used to store the file remotely.
40 Text[255] SiteID
41 Text[255] DriveID If applicable, specifies the ID of the SharePoint drive at which the remote file is stored.
50 Text[24] ABSStorageAccountName If applicable, specifies the name of the Azure Blob Storage account at which the remote file is stored.
51 Text[64] ABSContainerName If applicable, specifies the name of the Azure Blob Storage container at which the remote file is stored.
60 Text[24] AFSStorageAccountName If applicable, specifies the name of the Azure File Share Storage account at which the remote file is stored.
61 Text[64] AFSFileShareName If applicable, specifies the name of the Azure File Share at which the remote file is stored.
80 BigInteger CopyOfEntryNo Specifies the entry no. from which the entry was copied.
90 Integer LinkedRecords Specifies the number of DCA Remote File Link records linked to the DCA Remote File record.
100 Text[50] CreatedBy The user that originally created the file record.
101 DateTime CreatedDateTime The date and time at which the file was originally created.