Table WSB_DCAEntityDefinition
Stores the definitions for entities supported by Document Archive.
Name |
Value |
Access |
Public |
Caption |
Entity Definition |
DataClassification |
CustomerContent |
DataPerCompany |
False |
DrillDownPageId |
WSB_DCAEntityDefinitions |
LookupPageId |
WSB_DCAEntityDefinitions |
ID |
Type |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Integer |
EntityTableNo |
The ID of the table that this entity definition applies to. |
2 |
Text[80] |
EntityTableCaption |
The caption of the table that this entity definition applies to. |
3 |
Integer |
EntryNo |
An entry no. for this entity definition (if there are multiple entries for the same table, but with different filters). |
10 |
Blob |
TableFilterView |
A BLOB which saves the table filter view for this entity definition. |
20 |
Boolean |
Enabled |
Specifies whether this entity definition is enabled and should be used. |
30 |
Text[200] |
Description |
An optional description that can be used to describe in more detail what this entity definition is used for. |
40 |
Text[10] |
IDFieldSeparator |
Specifies a separator that will be used between the entity ID fields when folder names are generated from this entity definition. |